
面對地球因為氣候的變遷所受到的影響以及人們對自然樂活的渴望,奧維堅持採用去除有害的化學添加物,以純淨天然的成分所製造的個人與居家的環保有機產品,來達到我們所要的純淨無毒, 健康美麗的生活。 因此,我們在各項產品的挑選上堅持永續理念,透過全球多家具公信力的認證單位檢測,確保產品達到國際認可的有機天然的標準。同時,包裝必須達到不傷害環境或是人類,無有害塑料,可再生回收利用。設計必須兼顧美觀時尚的概念.以好的包裝來鼓勵重複利用或使用瓶罐,減少廢棄瓶罐的丟棄,讓消費者在使用好的產品時,更為地球盡一份心力。

Our mission

Happy and healthy living is our philosophy when we choice the products. All the ingredients, packaging materials and design need to make sure safe for people, kids, animals and the planet. To combine the power of natural ingredients with innovation and science to create affordable, safe, sustainable , performance and value driven products; same as all the partners we have, we are committed to using pure, sustainably harvested herbs, fruits and essential oils, without animal-derived ingredients, to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of our customers and our planet .